The term "perfect parent" should be eliminated from the world. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. We as parents should strive to be the best example that our kids can mimic. We often try to say that one way is the best vs. another way. What works for one parent may not work for another. The author made a very good point about the trends of parenting changing often. One minute we are beating the kids, now parents are going to jail. In the last chapter, it was mentioned that abortion was one of the reasons that crime had decreased, maybe it was due to the fact that teachers were able to spank the students and parents were not fearful of being sent to prison or of facing abuse charges. What is the definition of a perfect parent (offspring become successful) or (a college degree was obtained by the student). What we have to understand is that we all make mistakes and whats important is that we learn from them and try to avoid them in the future.